Internet Marketing Strategies, Tips and Reviews and More
Welcome to Our New Blog!
Welcome to Kerjem Marketing Technologies’ new blog! This blog will give us a unique opportunity to share internet marketing strategies, tips, reviews and digital technology content. Most importantly we also offer a place for us to interact with our internet marketing community. First of all, if you’re wondering what you can expect from the content you find on our blog, read on.The Importance of Internet Marketing
Our blog will allow us to leverage our internet marketing technologies by engaging in two-way communication with our community. Therefore we take your feedback into consideration as we create new content, resources on internet marketing strategies. In addition, we’ll use this blog to share free ebooks, PowerPoint templates, code snippets and resources.
We also create web development-specific content so you can learn more about the intimidating world of web development and design, SEO, online marketing, research and tips on how to reach specific goals.
Above all, we look forward to growing with you as we embark on this new journey. Thanks for stopping by!
Blog Grid Layout
How To Add Any Divi Module inside another Module Using Shortcodes
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a column inside the Divi library showing the a unique shortcode to add add to any module that allows you to add text.
Add WooCommerce Cart Icon to Menu with Cart Item Count
Here is a way to add WooCommerce cart icon to a menu with the cart item count, it links to the cart page and displays the number of items that have been added to the cart. The complete code uses three (3) php functions. This php code must be added to which need to be...
Close Default Open Accordion in Divi
In accordion module, first accordion is set to be open by default on opening the page. But we can close default open accordion by applying some javascript. To close the default accordion toggle, Go to Divi > Theme Option > Integration And copy the given...
How to Keep Divi Columns in Mobile View Using CSS
See DemoKeep Divi Column ratios and build aesthetically beautiful mobile layouts for the Divi Builder. Regular Section TutorialAfter activating the CSS plugin, the next thing you do is select the row that you want and type or copy the related CSS class name in the...
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