Choose a domain name for your website. Use this link Domain Name Search to ensure that you choose a name that is available. If the name is available it will show up as register. After deciding on a name, click back (if you're on a mobile phone), and enter the chosen name in the text box below. If you would like .tt domain then indicate this here and we will follow up with the necessary protocols.
Every website is built on different pages that come together. eg.
an "About" page will tell others about your Business or Blog
a "Contact" page will tell others how to contact you
a "Services" page will tell others about the services you offer, etc
Write a list of page names you "think" would be necessary for your website separated by a commas.
eg. Service, Gallery, Portfolio, etc
For each page mentioned above, write a brief description. (max 200 words per page)
Eg. 1. About- We are fashion designer company who specailize in...
2. Contact - You can contact us through these various channels...
What details you think are important to add on your landing page for others to see? And, What action do you want people to take when they visit your website? eg. contact you, make and appointment, purchase etc,
Your landing page, also known as the Home page, is the first page people see when they go to List as many as you can.